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Showing posts with the label society

The Most Discriminated People Are Not Who You Think

The physically unattractive, socially awkward, and poor are the most discriminated people. In America, social engineers have brainwashed us to believe minorities and women are the most discriminated people in our country and the world, yet is this really true? Using common sense, we can see this isn’t true in modern America, and even in the past. We can see clearly the most discriminated people in our country and the world are those who are physically unattractive, socially awkward, and poor. Physical Unattractiveness Physical unattractiveness is probably the top discrimination factor in the world. A person born like this will find they are not chosen for many things because of this unfortunate factor. They might be outgoing and friendly, which will help mitigate this problem, but they will invariably experience a completely different reality than a physically attractive person. We’re talking about not being chosen for jobs and friendships, and how they are treated in daily life by peo...

Brainwashed Into Low-Functioning Morons

When being normal is deemed crazy in a land of morons. Stay in the present and hold the line, as the machine-gun fire of death could be heard ever so clearly. People were falling dead and maimed with every shot given by the hateful enemy. The gruesome scene was covered in scarlet and purple with precious jewels in goblets of wine. The ancient agenda, the lockstep effort, and the social engineering program were ongoing and ever-expanding into the ears and souls of hapless victims, born and raised in the lie. How would they ever know? When the truth was told to them, they simply heard nonsense, madness — how could that be? Meanwhile, the war was waging, silent weapons, deceitful explanations told by greedy sell-outs, ignorant fools, heartless controllers, and brainwashed simpletons. The society was full of low-functioning morons — the diabolical objective was working. Behind pretense and seemingly logical rational, the management of the morons continued into the dawn of a new age; a gold...

Turn Off the Modern World

Meditate upon the truth. The sped-up modern world shifting sideways into chaos, while petty offenses derail vows made with double-minded sincerity. Lacking perspective, the masses rationalize hedonistic actions under the pretense of selfish justifications. Turn off the modern world, meditate on the truth of our existence. Find the truth by loving it with unselfish motives and sincere desire. There they are, rattling off another conditioned lie, oblivious of the spiritual manifestation within their cursed souls. Deceived and being deceived, their sins blinding them to reality, demons guiding them into a pit of destruction. The hive mind-blowing heavy misery in the right-left paradigm; showers of hate wrapped in self-righteous lies. Where it leads is lost on the weak-minded adherents so sure of themselves and the illusions they chase. The time has come to turn off the modern world, for it is a frequency of deception, a triple-cross betrayal wrapped in a hopeful tomorrow for those who see...

How Different Would We Be Walking In Another Person’s Shoes?

Biological vs. environmental influences in a person’s makeup. If we walked in another person’s shoes, how different would we be from them? The old adage asks an important question; one that may have more than one answer. The crux of it is related to the psychological discussion on what is the most influencing factor in a person’s personality and psychological makeup: biological vs. environment. I think the prevailing belief among the masses leans toward the biological side, yet the truth leans toward the environmental side. Both are important in the ultimate makeup of who and what a person is and how they behave and think. It makes sense that the environment a person is around will have the most impact on their makeup. Who their parents were, if they had both parents, siblings, etc. The factors are endless, yet their culmination is a uniquely influenced person, a societal creation, a manifestation of social mores. The main factors are: Parents/guardians Siblings Friends/acquaintances F...

Stay True to Your Art and Not the Trends

Writing as an art provides valuable expression for society. While everyone has different reasons for writing, true artists shouldn’t write what others want. Some say, “Write what people want to read according to the trends,” which might expedite making money, yet isn’t a true artistic expression. What Art Is Art is an expression the artist wants others to understand or experience. True art expresses a unique and original message or meaning to others, as this is the artist’s work and contribution to society and community. Writing can be an art form, expression through the written word; an article is a piece of art, expressing the artist’s unique creation to others in society and humanity. Notes on AI Art Some may specialize in AI art as though it were written word art, yet without human expression, it can only be AI art at best. The imitation of art by robots doesn’t express what a unique human would, rather, it expresses the culmination of all human information and knowledge — see the ...

Generation Alpha is the first to always know smartphones

They have never been in a society or world without smartphones. Is it a coincidence that the names of generations have just reset and begun again? From Z to A; have we as humans changed to a new alphabet and a new definition in sync because of the smartphone? Generation Alpha are the first humans to never know a time before the smartphone. They were or will be born from 2010 until 2025 . At most, they are 14 years old. Coming from someone who was around before the internet was in the public sphere, I would say the smartphone has changed people and our lives more than any other technological advance, compared to the radio, television, cable TV, and household internet. Memory has the rollout of the smartphone to the masses around 2008. My wife and I got our first smartphone around 2010. So, younger Gen Z, all of Alpha, and those coming have never known a society or world without smartphone technology. It just happens that the new alphabet distinction started right at this technological t...

Where is Humanity Going?

Conversations Part 1 In the near future, a middle-aged man (Seth), from America, found himself talking with his mentor in a dystopian land full of deception. His mentor was a gray-headed and bearded man just past middle-aged called Pastor Nick. Seth had many questions for his mentor and the ongoing conversations are what ensued. What is the purpose and direction of humanity? Seth asked. Well, Seth, the obvious answer involves technology, as it is the main purpose of modern man. See, the so-called progress of humanity is culminating with a technological tyranny, giving the elite total control over everyone within the system, which is built and controlled by technology. Everyone involved in the system, as it is transitioning into this hive mind, is helping to build and support the reality of this technological future. They perceive it as progress, yet it is being built for only one reason — to control every human within the system. Is everyone going to be within the system? Seth asked. N...

When was the last time Oregon had a Republican governor?

              Will we ever see one again? Conservative-minded Oregonians might be curious to know the last time Oregon had a Republican governor. For those 37 years and younger, they might wonder if Oregon ever had a Republican governor considering the last year a Republican served in the office was the first 12 days of 1987. The last Republican governor for Oregon was Gov. Victor G. Atiyeh who served two terms from January 8, 1979 — January 12, 1987. Victor was born on February 20, 1923, which means he was 55 when he first became governor and 63 when he left. Victor passed away at the age of 91 years old on July 20, 2014. In all the years since he left as Oregon’s governor until he passed, he never saw another Republican governor serve his home state again. Even until now in 2024, we have yet to see any other political party besides the Democratic Party as the governor of Oregon — that means we’ve had a Democrat as governor for 37 years consecutively....

You Don’t Get It

You don’t understand what’s going on. You are my people, I’m familiar with our shared culture and history, at least what’s left worth sharing. Still, I must say, the vast majority of you simply don’t get it, you don’t understand what is going on in the slightest. The measure of conditioning is well beyond the average person’s perception, and even those that catch on are mostly caught in a controlled wake-up zone full of lies and deceit, as though stuck in a hedge maze in the middle of nowhere with the “nothing” coming close like a hurricane of chaos. Will my fellow American caucasian people figure it out, what’s really going on? Will they search for the hidden history books and evidence that explains the alternative view of the establishment? I wonder. Some do, they are the remnant of believers, those who have searched for the truth out of a sincere love for it. They are honest and value the truth over lies, and they will not let anyone stop them from finding the truth and living truth...

Love Without Offense

Reflections on the seeming complexities of love. When reflecting on the seeming complexities of love, contrasting the nemesis of love seems appropriate. Offending or being offended is not something one can do with love. It challenges our love and tempts us with unforgiveness and bitterness. When offense rears its ugly head, love gets stuffed down into forgotten compartments within ourselves. When we get offended, emotions like anger, wrath, and hatred come forth, as we seek to protect and get vengeance for ourselves and loved ones. What is Love? It takes a special person to not get offended when others do. They have learned to overcome the temptation of anger by passing over the offense. Most of us get offended somewhat easily. When this happens we realize how conditional the love we give is. Are we only loving those who love us back? That seems to be the natural reaction for most people. What is love then? Is it simply a conditional behavior we extend to those who love us back? Is it ...

New Book Release: Staying Optimistic While Being Realistic

  My 9th book has been published called Staying Optimistic While Being Realistic . It is a collection of 13 society articles from the perspective of a Protestant Christian, middle-aged, married, Oregonian man from Dec. 2022 until Nov. 2023. Essentially, this book is a social analysis of 2023 American culture, society, politics, and Christian faith. With an added introduction and 13 color photos, this book is 80 pages in print and around the same as an eBook. The main theme is society, specifically American society, yet drawing on the general term as a way to explore the complexities and challenges of people in terms of finding the truth of themselves and the reality around them beyond the periphery. I have a B.S. in Human Services, so this is part of my service to fellow humans. Making it easier to digest my writing efforts in hopes readers will find valuable inspiration inside that will direct their course with more stability, reason, peace, and faith in a loving God. Eventually,...

When are we good enough?

When have we done enough? When is it good enough, and to whom is it good enough for?  This is a question many of us humans struggle with or ponder when we consider the meaning and purpose of our lives. Maybe we don’t consider it deeply enough to understand the underlying motivations, the subconscious drivings that make us never feel satisfied with our accomplishments.  Everyone has accomplished something if they are alive and getting by each day. If we have learned to dress ourselves, brush our teeth, drive a car, or ride a bicycle, then we have done something at least.  As a child, expectations weren’t as high, and we, along with those around us, were generally happy with the small accomplishments that come with growing up. These expectations grow as we get older, sometimes from others close to us and sometimes from ourselves. Many times, it is our own expectations of ourselves that really set the tone for our contentment with our accomplishments. Where do these expectat...

What are the values driving American society?

Where do our values come from anymore? As Americans, we share similar experiences from culture, society, and geography in some measure. Many of us have been here for generations and have a historical connection as well. Even going back to where we came from before we came to America.  Most of us can talk about similar movies, television shows, music, sports, and historical events that shaped our lives.  The Holy Bible used to create the majority of the values in America, yet now I would say the majority of the values come from social media.  Social media has replaced the Holy Bible when it comes to creating the values of American society.  Even the mainstream values before the smartphone and social media on the internet were much better than what we have now.  When we watched a sitcom, a movie, or listened to a song, we learned values such as: being honest caring for family and friends being a productive member of a community helping someone in need staying true...

Staying Optimistic While Being Realistic

Learning to be positive without being false.  O ne of the most challenging tasks in life is to look at ourselves and the world truthfully while remaining optimistic.  We don’t have to look very far to find trouble in the world and within ourselves.  Some people try to shield themselves from all negative news, thoughts, and people. Others tend to dwell on the negative aspects of life. Neither of these extremes teaches us how to cope with life in a balanced way.  If we are in a helping profession or are a counselor-type of person, we will find ourselves dealing with troubled people and realities often. Just dealing with the realities of day-to-day life with family, friends, and community asks us to look at the problems of life.  So how do we look truthfully at the problems of life while staying optimistic?  We can see what happens to people when they aren’t able to figure this question out, they often become: addicted to substances and bad habits negative and...