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One-Year Review of Writing on NewsBreak

I started writing on NewsBreak around the end of Dec. 2022 with my first published article on Dec. 25 (an unintentional date, but isn’t it fitting). It was about the renewal of the Christmas Valley Golf Course and it has accumulated 129 views up until now. The renewal of the Christmas Valley Golf Course in Eastern Oregon | NewsBreak… Although I started writing in Dec. 2022, I didn’t start making money until February because I had to apply and be approved. This entailed having 100 registered followers, writing ten articles, applying, and waiting around for a month. Here are the details of my journey if interested. Approval Time for NewsBreak Monetization Being a seasonal golf course greenskeeper, I have 4 months in the off-season to write more on NB, writing around 10–20 articles a month. During the other 8 months, writing is just a part-time effort — I usually write 1–2 articles a month. The theme for all of my articles at NewsBreak is #Oregon. Here are my stats for the last 13 months: