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Showing posts with the label history

The Final Deception is Conservative and Religious

Politics are going according to the NWO's deceptive plan. Politics, History, and the NWO I’ve been taking a break from talking about politics lately, yet that doesn’t mean I feel any different about it. Being someone who doesn’t support Trump or the Dems makes it hard to get any traction with an audience. The truth is more nuanced than most people can handle. It is easier to simply pick a side and believe it without much critical thinking. Trump is speaking the common sense views of the majority of Americans who still have half a brain left after the many decades of brainwashing we’ve been subjected to. The big data algorithms have been gathering the views of every American, compiling them into meticulously organized data reports, so they know exactly what most people want to hear. The left are those who have accepted the brainwashed agenda without any critical thinking. They are the useful idiots the NWO has used brilliantly to create  most  of the problems that t...

When was the last time Oregon had a Republican governor?

              Will we ever see one again? Conservative-minded Oregonians might be curious to know the last time Oregon had a Republican governor. For those 37 years and younger, they might wonder if Oregon ever had a Republican governor considering the last year a Republican served in the office was the first 12 days of 1987. The last Republican governor for Oregon was Gov. Victor G. Atiyeh who served two terms from January 8, 1979 — January 12, 1987. Victor was born on February 20, 1923, which means he was 55 when he first became governor and 63 when he left. Victor passed away at the age of 91 years old on July 20, 2014. In all the years since he left as Oregon’s governor until he passed, he never saw another Republican governor serve his home state again. Even until now in 2024, we have yet to see any other political party besides the Democratic Party as the governor of Oregon — that means we’ve had a Democrat as governor for 37 years consecutively....

You Don’t Get It

You don’t understand what’s going on. You are my people, I’m familiar with our shared culture and history, at least what’s left worth sharing. Still, I must say, the vast majority of you simply don’t get it, you don’t understand what is going on in the slightest. The measure of conditioning is well beyond the average person’s perception, and even those that catch on are mostly caught in a controlled wake-up zone full of lies and deceit, as though stuck in a hedge maze in the middle of nowhere with the “nothing” coming close like a hurricane of chaos. Will my fellow American caucasian people figure it out, what’s really going on? Will they search for the hidden history books and evidence that explains the alternative view of the establishment? I wonder. Some do, they are the remnant of believers, those who have searched for the truth out of a sincere love for it. They are honest and value the truth over lies, and they will not let anyone stop them from finding the truth and living truth...

What is the oldest city in Oregon?

When learning about the history and culture of Oregon, there’s one area that continues to come up in the conversation. Located in northwestern Clatsop County, the oldest city in Oregon has likely been featured in more famous movies than any other city in the state. This small city is also not far from the oldest golf course in Oregon and west of the Mississippi; interestingly, this city is also the oldest settlement west of the Rocky Mountains too. Have you guessed it yet? The oldest city in Oregon is none other than Astoria , located near the mouth of the Columbia River with close ties to the historical Lewis & Clark Trail, it was first settled by fur trappers in 1811. Although incorporated later in 1856, it was first settled by John Jacob Astor and his American Fur Company which built Fort Astoria. This important fort and the deepwater Port of Astoria were integral to making this area a hub for settlers for many decades to come. Astoria is also only 15 miles from Gearhart Golf Li...

What are the Painted Hills in Wheeler County, Oregon?

The Painted Hills is a special geologic site located about 10 miles northwest of Mitchell, 51 miles northeast of Prineville, 40 miles south of Fossil, and 49 miles west of Dayville. The easiest entrance is coming from US Highway 26 (Ochoco Highway) where travelers will see a sign directing them to the attraction. This amazingly beautiful area is one of three units within the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument ; the other two units of the park are the Clarno Unit and the Sheep Rock Unit. Located within the Sheep Rock Unit is the 11k square foot Thomas Condon Visitor Center where visitors can view murals, photo galleries, fossil displays, and a fishbowl paleontology laboratory. Visitors can also get some souvenirs at the Discover Your Northwest Park Store at the center. If you visit the Painted Hills, get your cameras out and take some amazing pictures of the area. The earthy vibrant tones and hues of reds, yellows, blacks, and golds will bring a sense of awe and wonder at the natura...

How is Virtual Reality Conditioning Humanity?

The subtle and overt influences are changing our thinking and behavior. Ever since the Roswell incident technology has been exponentially accelerating to the present, yet what does this mean for humanity? Where are we collectively going as human beings, as mankind? Besides those who claim they are from the future, no one really knows the answer to these difficult questions. Yet by logically examining the trends of technology and how it has affected people within a relatively short period of time, we can extrapolate some reasonable conclusions.  In short, the outcomes look like transhumanism; the melding and coalescing of man and machine. By now, this term is fairly commonplace among younger generations, as technology trends exponentially grow and expand with the term progress attached.  For instance, I wrote an article in 2013 claiming Eminem was a clone, which brought with it plenty of mocking insults; now, at the end of 2022, this doesn’t seem to be that far-fetched. Why wou...