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Showing posts with the label NWO

The Final Deception is Conservative and Religious

Politics are going according to the NWO's deceptive plan. Politics, History, and the NWO I’ve been taking a break from talking about politics lately, yet that doesn’t mean I feel any different about it. Being someone who doesn’t support Trump or the Dems makes it hard to get any traction with an audience. The truth is more nuanced than most people can handle. It is easier to simply pick a side and believe it without much critical thinking. Trump is speaking the common sense views of the majority of Americans who still have half a brain left after the many decades of brainwashing we’ve been subjected to. The big data algorithms have been gathering the views of every American, compiling them into meticulously organized data reports, so they know exactly what most people want to hear. The left are those who have accepted the brainwashed agenda without any critical thinking. They are the useful idiots the NWO has used brilliantly to create  most  of the problems that t...

Old Cars Are Better than New Ones

Cars are getting too complex with technology. Older and less expensive cars are better than new ones because they don’t overly rely on computer technology to function. What’s going to happen to these new computer cars in 20 years? They’ll be in the junkyard, as the computer was too expensive to fix. What’s worse, in 20 years, the oldest cars on the road will be around 20–30 years old — i.e., the new cars now! That means all cars will have too much technology built in — every non-manual digital function from the computer can go out and stop working, while manual issues are easier to fix. Another main reason why I like older cars is to have more freedom from control. Newer cars with computer junk can be shut off remotely from anywhere, hacked into, and governments and corporations can deny access to use. Why would I pay the exorbitant cost of owning a new car when: It will be in the junkyard in 15–20 years Can be controlled remotely It is expensive Are difficult/expensive to repair or ge...

Will drones be used to control humanity?

Considering drones in our future. Drones are remote-controlled, battery-powered flying machines basically. Usually controlled by a human, sometimes automated by bots. They have become popular in recent years for their use in the Ukraine/Russia war. Drones in a Future Dystopian World I’m not an expert on drones, nor have I researched the technology or uses in-depth. Exploring the potential they offer with a larger perspective doesn’t require this expertise, rather, it requires a knowledge of revisionist history more so. I realize the average person doesn’t have much say in the proliferation of drone technology, any more than we do with wars started for reasons unknown. With this said, consider the potential of drones being used to control people in a future dystopian world. Drones powered by AI and smart technology, used for surveillance and enforcement with weapons; with heat-seeking sensors, long battery life, and hooked up to the internet and apps. Think about it, drones built in var...

Generation Alpha is the first to always know smartphones

They have never been in a society or world without smartphones. Is it a coincidence that the names of generations have just reset and begun again? From Z to A; have we as humans changed to a new alphabet and a new definition in sync because of the smartphone? Generation Alpha are the first humans to never know a time before the smartphone. They were or will be born from 2010 until 2025 . At most, they are 14 years old. Coming from someone who was around before the internet was in the public sphere, I would say the smartphone has changed people and our lives more than any other technological advance, compared to the radio, television, cable TV, and household internet. Memory has the rollout of the smartphone to the masses around 2008. My wife and I got our first smartphone around 2010. So, younger Gen Z, all of Alpha, and those coming have never known a society or world without smartphone technology. It just happens that the new alphabet distinction started right at this technological t...

Are Trump and Biden acting in a political soap opera?

The days of our lives are getting interesting. Realizing politics has tangible results for regular citizens, questioning the authenticity of politics is relevant considering the holistic factors involved. For instance, wondering if the political frontrunners for key positions in the U.S. government are playing a part, acting a character that has been scripted in correlation with their sincere personality underneath. The implications are far-reaching if this is the case, yet isn’t the question relevant in our deep fake technological world? Considering that the divide between fantasy and reality has been clouded with deception and virtual reality, doesn’t it seem plausible in some measure to think that the U.S. presidential race is scripted to control the population according to a certain agenda? Is it naive to think the powers to be would allow the citizens to direct the government when they could get away with not doing so? Is it cynical to think otherwise or practical common sense? Es...

What are the values driving American society?

Where do our values come from anymore? As Americans, we share similar experiences from culture, society, and geography in some measure. Many of us have been here for generations and have a historical connection as well. Even going back to where we came from before we came to America.  Most of us can talk about similar movies, television shows, music, sports, and historical events that shaped our lives.  The Holy Bible used to create the majority of the values in America, yet now I would say the majority of the values come from social media.  Social media has replaced the Holy Bible when it comes to creating the values of American society.  Even the mainstream values before the smartphone and social media on the internet were much better than what we have now.  When we watched a sitcom, a movie, or listened to a song, we learned values such as: being honest caring for family and friends being a productive member of a community helping someone in need staying true...