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Showing posts with the label Medium

Why, After 3 Years, I Canceled My Medium Membership

  The platform feeds off writers like me. I first began writing on Medium around 2016. The first account was canceled by Medium for being promotional after a couple of years, which it wasn’t. I then started with another account around 2018, which is the account I’m currently using. In the late part of 2022, I started writing more seriously on Medium and became a member, which I’ve been until now. For a few months, I was even a Friend of Medium, but the rest of the time just a basic $5/month member. I’ve published 145 articles so far. I’ve decided to cancel my basic membership, yet it will still be valid for four days from today. Most writers on Medium will understand why I’m canceling, yet I would guess I stuck it out longer than most — three years of continuous membership. All in all, I’ve probably made around half of what I’ve put into the platform, and for the most part, the articles on Medium aren’t worth paying to read — unless you want to hear about how successful the liberal...

Same Articles Published on NewsBreak vs. Medium 2024

These sites are very different, yet how do they compare stat-wise with the same articles? I discovered how to publish my non-news articles on NewsBreak; I just put   Opinion   in front of the title. Now I can put the same articles I write on Medium on NB and see how they compare. NB pays an estimated $4.50 per thousand views on average. I’ve published 15 articles on both sites since this change. NewsBreak articles have been published in the last 36 days. Let’s look at 7 examples: Writing is Hard For Two Reasons Investing in the writing piece and the unknown results. (published 4 days ago on M and NB) Medium: 2 NewsBreak: 199 4 Toto Songs That Sound Like the Beatles One of their biggest influences. (published 6 days ago on M and NB) Medium: 8 NewsBreak: 886 How Different Would We Be Walking In Another Person’s Shoes? Biological vs. environmental influences in a person’s makeup. (published 11 days ago on M and NB) Medium: 8 NewsBreak: 111 Stay Tr...

6 Ways to Make Money from Articles/Content

Original content with your byline. There are 6 basic ways to make money from your content. I will call them content articles, but they can also be videos, photos, podcasts, and artwork. Affiliates Writers can market affiliates on their websites or add links to their articles or posts on writing platforms or social media. Affiliate marketing isn’t as easy as it seems, yet it can work if the product or service is relevant to the article. These products and services can be sourced through broker platforms like ClickBank or just found individually by the writer. Most products or services have an affiliate program. Ad/Membership Revenue Revenue-sharing platforms like NewsBreak and HubPages give writers a cut of the ad revenue; the amount depends on how many views the piece gets. Membership revenue gives writers a cut of the money coming in from people subscribing to the platform, like Medium and Vocal. Vocal gives a certain amount per view while Medium gives according to membership engageme...

Making Substack the Center of a Writing System

Focusing Distractions with Complexity With all of the options writers and content creators have now, finding the right one for each system sometimes takes experimentation. Flops and failures often come with such brimming efforts of zeal, yet the glimmer of hope remains in pictures of automated simplicity. In the beginning, things were simple; then came the expansion, the maintenance, building, creating, researching, and other such effort and time into what can only be called a writing system. Organizing this complex miasma of disparate platforms, the writer (insert content creator as needed) has become a blogger, marketer, promotor, maintenance tech, and organizing master. The actual writing is pushed to the side. Finding Balance Each writer organizes their system differently according to their needs and abilities. I’ve always admired someone who focuses on one platform and doesn’t get stretched too thin. We can get distracted by constantly expanding and trying new things. What’s neede...

Views are Like Customers to Writers

Writing online entails considering how many impressions, views, visitors/reads, comments, shares, and reactions each article gets. These digital assets symbolize the money made from each article. How many views did that article get — that poem, story, blog post, picture, art piece? The number will determine how much money the article made. While most writers appreciate even one single read, this doesn’t pay much. On the high end, this might bring .02 cents. Usually, around half a cent, or $5 RMP. Different Writing Platforms and Efforts At Medium views don’t turn into a specific amount of money, rather they are merely an indication of possible money — reads are more important at Medium, as they correlate closely with any money made. Each read at Medium this month made me around that .02 cent mark! The reads at Medium might not be from members, so may not make us money. Still, on average, both views and reads equal a certain estimated amount for each Medium writer. At Vocal, they make it...

The Busy Medium Bee

Buzzing around and making honey.  I love honey. My teeth can’t handle sugar anymore, so honey is my sweet treat, mostly with a peanut butter sandwich.  The analogy of the bee buzzing around, working hard to make honey and the Medium writer staying active on the site to produce views and money is appropriate I think. Bees take time off in the winter in cold locations though.  Unless a person has a massive audience somewhere else they can successfully transfer over to Medium, building a regular audience on the site takes time and a consistent effort.  What I’ve noticed since writing on Medium regularly for the last three months is the time spent reading and interacting with other writers’ work directly correlates with how many views and money you make.   In the last few weeks, I’ve been posting as much as ever, yet have decreased my interaction by about 70%. I’ve noticed my views and interactions have decreased by about the same.  On the one hand, this can be...

What Happens to Most Medium Writers?

Analyzing the holistic enterprise with stats and generalities. I started syndicating my blog content on Medium around 2017 with my first account, which has gone by the wayside since. The account I’m using now is my second account which I started around August 2018. I posted around 12 articles here from then until December 2022. Like a long-lost treasure realized, I started writing seriously on Medium around early December 2022. I’ve now been writing regularly here for around 5 weeks. The total article count I’ve amassed is 46 at this point in my Medium journey. When I came back to Medium after 4.5 years of neglect, I had 34 followers and wasn’t a member. I became a member and then soon enough reached the 100-follower threshold to apply for monetization. I really appreciate how quickly Medium approves this part of the journey. How I Got 48 Followers on Medium in 4.5 Years Some sarcasm mixed with sincerity. At this point, I have 242 followers and am up to 1,580 views in the pa...