The NWO will leverage the Zionist brainwashing the Boomers have undergone.
It makes sense that the hidden hand or the shadow government would start the next war before the Boomer Gen passes away, as they are the ones who support Israel the most.
In general, the younger generations don’t care about Christianity or Israel. Their programming is to care about themselves and technology.
If this is true, the next war will start within an estimated 5-10 years. The youngest Boomers were born in 1964, so are 61 years old. The oldest were born in 1946, so are 79 years old.
To note: That means the youngest of the Greatest Gen are 80 years old. 2025 is also the first of the Beta Gen.
So, there is a limited window of time for the NWO to leverage the Zionist propaganda they worked so hard to install into these older generations. Although these older gens are too old to do the fighting, they will spearhead the political and social support needed to send off the younger gens to die.
The NWO also carefully concocted a right-wing backlash to coincide with this coming war. I’m sure they would like to start the war with the man they’ve worked so hard in brainwashing the patriotic Americans to support, i.e. Trump.
I’m sure they have a backup plan, considering they don’t have control over when someone dies, yet this might set the plan back some years.
It seems, the best time to start the war would be before Trump ends his second term, as this is the last term he is eligible for unless they end the 2-term limit for the Presidency.
If this is in 3 years, the oldest Boomers would be 83 and the youngest 64, which is about perfect for leveraging their leadership and support for Israel.
See, Jesuit doctrine has especially brainwashed the Boomer and younger gens into believing the modern state of Israel contains the chosen people of God, and that Futurism is the true end-times doctrine.
To note: Those they call the Jews are patsies for the NWO.
Historicism is the true end-times doctrine and Israel is a spiritual term that represents those who believe in Jesus Christ, i.e. the Holy Bible in its inspired form. In the physical, Israel is the Caucasian peoples, who are ignorant of their true heritage as the lost tribes of ancient Israel.
The next war will include the Jesuit Futurism play, that is, the NWO will play out their false end-times doctrine on the world scene, with a coming Anti-Christ figure, the rebuilding of the temple in Israel, and a 7-year peace treaty between the warring countries in the Middle East — to then be broken after 3.5 years, etc.
This is all Jesuit doctrine meant to take the light off the real Anti-Christ, the Papacy, i.e. the current Pope in office of Mystery Babylon (the Roman Catholic Church headed by the Vatican City or manifested divine serpent).
With this understanding, we can now see why they’ve created all the liberal problems. See, these problems allow them to bring someone in to fix them, thus validating the system and galvanizing the support of the patriots, to then use this control to take us to war; a war made possible by the Jesuit doctrines the older gens have been brainwashed into believing for decades.
The younger gens have been brainwashed mostly to be self-centered and rebellious, as these weaknesses will be leveraged for the next stage of the plan, which is to formally set up the NWO in the ashes of the next war.
The next war will include a partial destruction of the U.S. The coastal areas will be destroyed and invaded. This will be allowed by God as a judgment against the wicked in this country — notice how the wicked are moving to the coastal areas.
Just some thoughts to consider for those who think critically and love the truth. For sure, the propped-up controlled opposition won’t be sharing these with you.
In general, the younger generations don’t care about Christianity or Israel. Their programming is to care about themselves and technology.
If this is true, the next war will start within an estimated 5-10 years. The youngest Boomers were born in 1964, so are 61 years old. The oldest were born in 1946, so are 79 years old.
To note: That means the youngest of the Greatest Gen are 80 years old. 2025 is also the first of the Beta Gen.
So, there is a limited window of time for the NWO to leverage the Zionist propaganda they worked so hard to install into these older generations. Although these older gens are too old to do the fighting, they will spearhead the political and social support needed to send off the younger gens to die.
The NWO also carefully concocted a right-wing backlash to coincide with this coming war. I’m sure they would like to start the war with the man they’ve worked so hard in brainwashing the patriotic Americans to support, i.e. Trump.
I’m sure they have a backup plan, considering they don’t have control over when someone dies, yet this might set the plan back some years.
It seems, the best time to start the war would be before Trump ends his second term, as this is the last term he is eligible for unless they end the 2-term limit for the Presidency.
If this is in 3 years, the oldest Boomers would be 83 and the youngest 64, which is about perfect for leveraging their leadership and support for Israel.
See, Jesuit doctrine has especially brainwashed the Boomer and younger gens into believing the modern state of Israel contains the chosen people of God, and that Futurism is the true end-times doctrine.
To note: Those they call the Jews are patsies for the NWO.
Historicism is the true end-times doctrine and Israel is a spiritual term that represents those who believe in Jesus Christ, i.e. the Holy Bible in its inspired form. In the physical, Israel is the Caucasian peoples, who are ignorant of their true heritage as the lost tribes of ancient Israel.
The next war will include the Jesuit Futurism play, that is, the NWO will play out their false end-times doctrine on the world scene, with a coming Anti-Christ figure, the rebuilding of the temple in Israel, and a 7-year peace treaty between the warring countries in the Middle East — to then be broken after 3.5 years, etc.
This is all Jesuit doctrine meant to take the light off the real Anti-Christ, the Papacy, i.e. the current Pope in office of Mystery Babylon (the Roman Catholic Church headed by the Vatican City or manifested divine serpent).
With this understanding, we can now see why they’ve created all the liberal problems. See, these problems allow them to bring someone in to fix them, thus validating the system and galvanizing the support of the patriots, to then use this control to take us to war; a war made possible by the Jesuit doctrines the older gens have been brainwashed into believing for decades.
The younger gens have been brainwashed mostly to be self-centered and rebellious, as these weaknesses will be leveraged for the next stage of the plan, which is to formally set up the NWO in the ashes of the next war.
The next war will include a partial destruction of the U.S. The coastal areas will be destroyed and invaded. This will be allowed by God as a judgment against the wicked in this country — notice how the wicked are moving to the coastal areas.
Just some thoughts to consider for those who think critically and love the truth. For sure, the propped-up controlled opposition won’t be sharing these with you.
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