The inevitable cycle of conspiracy and deceit until sin and death are destroyed forever by Jesus Christ.
The world is in between a rock and a hard place when it comes to politics and current affairs. There is no way out of the problems we’ve created without the majority of people walking in the Holy Spirit.
As it is, the vast majority of people are walking in the flesh, including me too much of the time.
The modern world has been created to take us away from the spiritual, from faith in the Holy Bible. Technology in the form of television, the internet, and smartphones are the final tools needed to thwart our faith and set us up for deception.
The old-time Christian revivals, even just over a hundred years ago before television are essentially not possible anymore with smartphones around.
Smartphones and technology are too stimulating and distracting for people to commune with God like we used to. In my opinion, real Christian revival isn’t possible anymore with this technology. The Holy Spirit can’t move when people’s minds are stimulated with technology to such an extent.
We can be saved, yet our ability to draw nigh to God is significantly diminished in this modern world. I’m just admitting what most people already suspect or know.
God can still work in individuals here and there, yet not in large numbers with modern technology around.
Basically, we are in a time when God is not moving in us as a church because we are too stimulated and distracted by our smartphones.
AI is Satan manifested through technology. I’ve said it before and it’s more true now than ever.
The height of human intellect and worldly wisdom is found in AI, which is the culmination of all worldly knowledge and information. This is the counterfeit of God that Satan will use to be all-knowing and all-powerful.
Thankfully, it is just a counterfeit, which means God wins, yet most people will lose in the battle because they believe in the counterfeit — they are deceived.
Everything is about control and deceit, that is the entire game of the NWO.
Control is the main objective; with it, Satan and his minions can deceive as many people as possible, so they lose their souls and eternal life.
Politics is a joke at the Federal level, and at any level where control is needed by the NWO, which includes most of the States.
All of this puts us between a rock and a hard place. The conclusion is inevitable because the vast majority of people are deceived; they believe in the system more than it deserves.
The world system run by the central banks doesn’t deserve our trust and belief, yet it gets it by controlling our money and all that money buys, including the sold-out people they put in front of us as leaders in the form of politicians, entertainers, economic gurus, religious heads, etc.
Until the NWO shuts down the Federal Reserve and starts using the U.S. Treasury to print and control our money supply, nothing will change, nothing.
That is the root of the problem. The love of money is what stops people from demanding this happens, and the control they have over our lives is because they control our money supply.
Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, Reagan, and Clinton are all the same, guardians of the Federal Reserve (every President since Wilson except for JFK). The only modern President going against it was killed, JFK. The history of America is a history of whether or not it has a central bank. Lincoln was killed over this, Andrew Jackson was shot over this, and Woodrow Wilson was put into office to weakly allow it to happen in 1913 (that was the third version of a central bank in the U.S.).
Even a plebian waif like me can understand the root of the problem, so why can’t most of the American people? Why do we owe the Federal Reserve so much money? Why don’t we just shut it down and tell them our debt is now free and clear? Sounds like a good plan to me.
No, they want us to think our debt is tens of trillions of dollars. Maybe so with the phony money system they created, yet this is just a joke. In reality, fake money, fake debt, so we don’t owe them anything except putting them in prison.
Federal Reserve isn’t part of our government and most of the people in charge of it aren’t even citizens. The central banking system is a world problem.
If you want to know what the problem is in the world, where the conspiracy starts and ends, just take a look at the history of the central banks since the 1700s. Also, remember the Rothschilds are the bankers of the Vatican and the AntiChrist Papacy.
Central banks were a measure the Vatican took as part of the counter-reformation. After they couldn’t wipe out Protestantism with an iron fist during the 30-Year War in the 1600s, they went to work creating the central bank and higher education systems. These have worked together to create a new way to enslave the once-Protestant world.
Guess what, it worked because people who are willing to be evil to gain power have an advantage over people who are honest and follow God. Christians aren’t willing to do what the wicked are to gain power, so they will always be subjected to this type of conspiracy and problem in this fallen world cursed with sin and death.
Even if we were able to destroy the central bank today and get rid of every worker of iniquity, it would only be a matter of time before they were back in control doing the same thing, brainwashing those who don’t love the truth.
There is no solution in the flesh.
The only power we have is to not believe the deceivers, whether they act evil or like angels of light. The only way we do that is to love the truth and walk in the Spirit of God. Most people are on the broad way of destruction, trying to save their lives by compromising the truth, trying to save their stuff and money to keep their lifestyles up, despite the consequences and who it hurts — despite having to be a sell-out who believes in lies.
People can fool themselves into thinking they are Christians, yet if they go along with the central bankers and all of those who support them, they are just believing lies because they love money more than the truth. That is why this is happening in the first place, as a test to see who is a false or true Christian, who loves the truth and who doesn’t. We can’t have two masters, we can’t serve money and God.
Trump represents this false light, and by believing in him, people are showing they don’t love the truth, instead, they love money and the central bankers.
The only way we should believe any politician at this point is when they shut down the Federal Reserve and start printing money from the U.S. Treasury.
And again, if a President did such a thing, he would end up dead, and the cycle would start over again, the parasites would come back again and again, no matter how many times we get rid of them or drain the swamp.
What should we do then?!
Well, the only power we have is to not believe in any of these lies, to love the truth, that is the only thing we can do, to walk in the Spirit of God. This takes away their power of illusion and helps save the people being destroyed by their lies and actions.
The more we see through their lies and don’t believe them, the more they lose power.
When people no longer show up at political rallies and stop voting at the National level, and when they start protesting outside of the Federal Reserve to have it shut down, then we might have a chance, but again, the cycle will just start again.
See, what I’m saying is: In this world cursed with sin and death, this conspiracy and control will always happen until Jesus Christ comes back and destroys it all, including sin, death, and Satan.
Only in the Kingdom of Heaven will we find what most people are looking for here in this world, yet those who made this world their home will never experience it because they sold their birthright for a bowl of soup.
We are in between a rock and a hard place. Let us make that rock our salvation so we can fall on it and be broken, rather than be crushed when it falls on us.
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