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Showing posts from February, 2025

The Final Deception is Conservative and Religious

Politics are going according to the NWO's deceptive plan. Politics, History, and the NWO I’ve been taking a break from talking about politics lately, yet that doesn’t mean I feel any different about it. Being someone who doesn’t support Trump or the Dems makes it hard to get any traction with an audience. The truth is more nuanced than most people can handle. It is easier to simply pick a side and believe it without much critical thinking. Trump is speaking the common sense views of the majority of Americans who still have half a brain left after the many decades of brainwashing we’ve been subjected to. The big data algorithms have been gathering the views of every American, compiling them into meticulously organized data reports, so they know exactly what most people want to hear. The left are those who have accepted the brainwashed agenda without any critical thinking. They are the useful idiots the NWO has used brilliantly to create  most  of the problems that t...

Why, After 3 Years, I Canceled My Medium Membership

  The platform feeds off writers like me. I first began writing on Medium around 2016. The first account was canceled by Medium for being promotional after a couple of years, which it wasn’t. I then started with another account around 2018, which is the account I’m currently using. In the late part of 2022, I started writing more seriously on Medium and became a member, which I’ve been until now. For a few months, I was even a Friend of Medium, but the rest of the time just a basic $5/month member. I’ve published 145 articles so far. I’ve decided to cancel my basic membership, yet it will still be valid for four days from today. Most writers on Medium will understand why I’m canceling, yet I would guess I stuck it out longer than most — three years of continuous membership. All in all, I’ve probably made around half of what I’ve put into the platform, and for the most part, the articles on Medium aren’t worth paying to read — unless you want to hear about how successful the liberal...