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Old Cars Are Better than New Ones

Cars are getting too complex with technology.

Older and less expensive cars are better than new ones because they don’t overly rely on computer technology to function.

What’s going to happen to these new computer cars in 20 years?

They’ll be in the junkyard, as the computer was too expensive to fix.

What’s worse, in 20 years, the oldest cars on the road will be around 20–30 years old — i.e., the new cars now!

That means all cars will have too much technology built in — every non-manual digital function from the computer can go out and stop working, while manual issues are easier to fix.

Another main reason why I like older cars is to have more freedom from control.

Newer cars with computer junk can be shut off remotely from anywhere, hacked into, and governments and corporations can deny access to use.

Why would I pay the exorbitant cost of owning a new car when:

  • It will be in the junkyard in 15–20 years
  • Can be controlled remotely
  • It is expensive
  • Are difficult/expensive to repair or get repaired
  • Generally have to get a loan to buy

I’ll get an older used car that has less technology. Here’s why:

  • Cost $10k or less (can get a good used vehicle for $3k-$5k)
  • Can own and get the title without a loan
  • Can’t be remotely shut off
  • Easier to repair
  • Less difficult and expensive to repair basic technology
  • Less likely to have car theft
  • Filters out superficial people in life
  • Save money with liability insurance instead of full coverage
  • May have a CD or cassette player
  • Better body styles

The last reason is my opinion, and not for every model; some new vehicles look great and body styles have become sleek and practical. Just thinking about the computer in them ruins it for me.

I’ll have to keep the 20-year-old cars I have running for another 40 years.

I can only imagine the computer cars coming out in 20 years — total control by the powers to be, albeit convenient and nifty for practical use within the IoT.


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