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Where is Humanity Going?

Conversations Part 1

In the near future, a middle-aged man (Seth), from America, found himself talking with his mentor in a dystopian land full of deception. His mentor was a gray-headed and bearded man just past middle-aged called Pastor Nick.

Seth had many questions for his mentor and the ongoing conversations are what ensued.

What is the purpose and direction of humanity? Seth asked.

Well, Seth, the obvious answer involves technology, as it is the main purpose of modern man. See, the so-called progress of humanity is culminating with a technological tyranny, giving the elite total control over everyone within the system, which is built and controlled by technology.

Everyone involved in the system, as it is transitioning into this hive mind, is helping to build and support the reality of this technological future. They perceive it as progress, yet it is being built for only one reason — to control every human within the system.

Is everyone going to be within the system? Seth asked.

No, some will refuse to go along with the agenda and thus be denied access to the online world. This will cut them off from every aspect of society, including functions vital to getting along, such as banking, applying for jobs, access to housing, etc.

The people who refuse will become outlaws of the system and have to live in the wilderness without access to technology and the comforts they bring. This penalty for their refusal to go along will prove too much for most people, and even though they don’t want to go along, they will.

Even now, we are being monitored by the system, as they are listening to every word we speak through your smartphone. I no longer have a smartphone or any smart device on my person, yet they can listen through my laptop I keep at home, which is how I stay in touch with my family and friends.

Seth wondered how he got along in the world without a smartphone or even a flip phone. He asked, Do you have a phone at all?

No, I use email and call people through my computer. I am already transitioning to the wilderness, as the time is coming soon for my refusal to go along.

I used to pastor a church, yet it was shut down according to political correctness, so now I minister to people through underground fellowship, which is how I met you and your wife.

Even ten years ago I saw the writing on the wall, how everyone and everything was fast becoming dependent upon the online world. I predicted the NWO was going to use it to leverage the vast majority of people to go along with their agenda or be denied access to it.

We aren’t there yet, Seth explained.

True, yet it is very near, even at the door. I’ve watched as the older generations have passed — representing most of those who wouldn’t go along with the agenda — and now the infrastructure for the system is just about solidified and the younger generations are ready to adopt whatever new technological trend is next.

We’ve been slowly conditioned by technology to accept the control it already has over our lives, which is why people aren’t alarmed when their smartphones watch and listen to their every word and move.

I don’t trust technology, yet it is hard to let go and get by without it. You’re older and have a place and money to live, yet we don’t have those things in place yet and must use technology to get by for now, Seth explained.

I understand Seth, I’m not judging you and your wife. That is why I’m talking to you, because you have to prepare to make that important choice in the future. One day, we will all have to make a choice to go along with the NWO’s agenda or not; to refuse means we will be cut out of the system whether we are ready or not.

For many, this will mean death, as we will be hated by everyone who goes along, thus arrested and persecuted at every chance. We will only survive by God’s grace and will. Yet, if we perish, we will be in a far better place with Jesus.

Pastor Nick went on, the USA will be and is one of the most controlled places on earth, yet all of humanity will be subjected to this agenda. The online world will be how they leverage everyone’s compliance, as every country at this late time has already become dependent upon the online world for their essential functions of life.

The future of humanity is to be enslaved by the online world. That was and is the main goal of online technology in the first place. Those who don’t go along with the NWO’s agenda will be denied access online and thus be cut off from the system that runs every aspect of our lives. Can you see how this will work now Seth?

Yes, I can see it Pastor Nick, yet it is hard to believe. I do believe it will happen, yet my wife and I are hardly ready in truth, Seth admitted.

Well, that’s why I’m here friend, to help prepare God’s sheep for the final deception.


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