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You Don’t Get It

You don’t understand what’s going on.

You are my people, I’m familiar with our shared culture and history, at least what’s left worth sharing. Still, I must say, the vast majority of you simply don’t get it, you don’t understand what is going on in the slightest.

The measure of conditioning is well beyond the average person’s perception, and even those that catch on are mostly caught in a controlled wake-up zone full of lies and deceit, as though stuck in a hedge maze in the middle of nowhere with the “nothing” coming close like a hurricane of chaos.

Will my fellow American caucasian people figure it out, what’s really going on? Will they search for the hidden history books and evidence that explains the alternative view of the establishment? I wonder.

Some do, they are the remnant of believers, those who have searched for the truth out of a sincere love for it. They are honest and value the truth over lies, and they will not let anyone stop them from finding the truth and living truthfully, even though they are not perfect like Jesus, this is their practice of living according to the Holy Bible, which is the truth they have found — for it is the absolute truth of existence.

Trigger words stop the masses from breaking free from the brainwashing program. They get snared and eventually tired of the hassle; it is much easier just going along and believing lies for the sake of convenience.

The people learned not to look for truth, to avoid it, to manipulate it, to defile it as much as possible, so it wouldn’t come and judge them for their cowardly, selfish, and hedonistic choices in life.

The cares and riches of life take many down, even when they were planted in good soil and were growing so well…

Very few figure it out, yet it isn’t because they are different from the others, except for their singular desire and determination to seek and love the truth, to find the meaning of life, and live according to God’s will.

Instead of submitting to the truth, they create their own “truth,” a fantasy world with a foundation of jello and pudding. The entire construct of their existence is based on well-placed rationalizations in the stream of their conditioned brainwashing programming.

Breaking free becomes an abstract concept, earned by money, power, and all the little goodies we can acquire down in this worldly realm. How fitting when they find the pot at the end of the proverbial rainbow is a well-constructed illusion!

The truth has a way of bringing us back to it with every death, every crime, every fantasy-filled care bear getting a taste of reality. Still, the vast majority of my fellow people are clueless, sincerely ignorant of the fundamental aspects of our reality; conditioned into a carefully concocted theoretical model that is plausible enough to dazzle everyone with marbles in their eyes.

You don’t get it, although I realize you think you do. That’s the problem, no one can get past the programming that never relents in our modern digital media-centric world.

Instead of considering the matter, anger becomes the shield of unbelief, “how dare you think you know anything I don’t, why, I have Google too!”

Indeed, foolish simpletons gone astray with ding dongs and pragmatic rationalizations that seem to make sense if you ignore alternative theories backed by truth — hidden and censored when possible by those afraid of the masses waking up.

What is the meaning of life?

What is the truth of our history?

Is there a conspiracy shaping the direction of our world?

What happens after we die?

Does anyone care to know these things beyond the cursory establishment’s explanation based upon unproved theories and false science?

If not, you will never get it.


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