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7 Good Reasons to Go Swimming More Often

Getting in the water and swimming is something most people would like to do more often, yet with all the distractions of modern life, this enjoyable activity is usually placed on the back burner. In an effort to help get swimmers motivated, let's examine 7 good reasons to go swimming more often.

1. Get Away from Online Technology:

Although they do have waterproof smartphones and digital devices, swimming is generally a time people spend away from online technology. This is a great reason to take a dip, as it gives people a needed reprieve from their continuous smartphone monitoring and use – don't worry, the smartphone can be close-by.

2. Forming a Healthy Habit:

By all standards, swimming is a healthy habit to start, as it works to build muscle, increase stamina, and bring weight loss. An article on Everyday Health called: "The Health Benefits of Swimming", validates this by saying:

"Swimming works your whole body, improving cardiovascular conditioning, muscle strength, endurance, posture, and flexibility all at the same time. Your cardiovascular system in particular benefits because swimming improves your body's oxygen without overworking your heart."

This is an excellent reason to swim more often, especially, when family or friends start to question swimmers about the amount of time they spend in the pool. With swimming being this good for our health, why not swim more often and for longer periods of time? In the process, swimmers will form a healthy habit as well.

3. Meditation and Stress Relief

There's something refreshing and meditative about swimming, which is another good reason to do it more often. Modern life is full of stresses and busyness; finding ways to wind down and relax are important, especially, for adults.

Being submerged in water takes swimmers away from the sights and sounds of their daily lives. The coolness of the water temperature and the quiet sounds of moving water in a pool brings swimmers into a meditative mindset.

4. Make Use of Investment:

Remember, we're looking for reasons (excuses) to go swimming more often, right? Well, how about making use of the swimming pool investment. Even swimmers with an annual pass to the community pool can use this reason to swim more, yet, especially, swimmers with a pool in their backyards.

Swimming pools are excellent investments for many reasons, so why not make use of this investment as much as possible? By swimming every day (or more often), swimmers will be making good use of their investment.

5. Fosters Harmonious Relationships:

By swimming more often, people will find their relationships are more harmonious, at least, in theory. This is because the swimmer is healthier, more relaxed, and is able to get away from relations to go swimming more often.

Basically, going swimming is a good reason to get away from the house and those in it. When the house is in chaos, the swimming pool is a refuge from the storm; by swimming more, people can escape the chaos, thus, foster harmonious relationships easier.

6. Hot Outside:

When temperatures outside reach sweltering levels, like most of the year in Las Vegas, swimmers have a good reason to jump in the pool. Jumping in cool water and taking a swim when it's hot outside is maybe the best reason to swim more often.

7. It's Fun:

When it comes down to it, swimming is simply fun. Having more fun in life isn't a crime, and swimming more often isn't either. Maybe this doesn't mean smiling and laughing fun all the time, yet the activity of swimming is always fun to some degree, which is a good reason to do it more often.

Ultimately, whatever reason (excuse) people can find to go swimming more often is a good one.


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